Usually, if you have been injured in an automobile collision, you will require the services of an experienced personal injury trial lawyer if you want to obtain a fair recovery. Insurance company adjusters are very good at acting as if they care about your personal situation, but the plain and simple fact is they don’t! These people are highly trained at taking advantage of you in any way they can. They are looking out only for the insurance company and do not really care about the impact of any injury on your life.
Despite many well-known television advertisers who say, “It’s quick and easy,” there is nothing quick and easy about a serious injury case where the effects of that injury are going to be felt for years.
True trial lawyers who are willing to go to court and present your case to a jury are the lawyers who obtain the best settlements for their clients. I have devoted my professional career to getting justice for injury victims and their families. I have tried over 60 jury trials in my career and the insurance companies do know which attorneys are willing to go to Court and not just settle to get it done quick and easy. I personally handle every case and always make sure that my clients’ best interest are my number one priority.
I have been serving Northern Colorado citizens for over 25 years. My friendly staff and I welcome the opportunity to guide you through this difficult time in your life.
Robert Garcin, Northern Colorado Personal Injury Trial Lawyer